Friends. Funny Stories.

Now, I’d like to tell you about our guys:
They are funny, merry and wise
The ball was still flying in the director's window, and the children were already playing hide-and-seek ... This is about my friends.

 - The one who will go to the board first will get one  point more.
- I am coming. Put me a three.

- How many people are studying in your class?
-  Studying? About forty percent!

-Masha, my mother is sick - and  I  need raspberry jam!
- Of course of course. Where should I put it?
- Anywhere - I'll eat here!

Teacher: Petrov, you can hardly count to ten. I do not know what you can become in future .
Petrov: Judge in boxing, Mary Ivanna!

Teacher:  Trushkin, go to the blackboard to do the sums.
(Trushkin goes to the board.)
Teacher: Listen carefully to the condition of the task. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mother - another 2 kilograms. How many ...
(The pupil Trushkin goes to the door).
Teacher: Trushkin, where are you going ?!
Trushkin: I’ll run home, there are sweets there and I’d like to eat them!

Teacher: Why is your father always doing lessons for you, Ivanov  ?
Ivanov: The matter is  that Mum does not have free time!

Teacher: Now I will ask you a very difficult question, for the correct answer I will immediately put 12 points. And the question is: "Why is the European time ahead of the American one?"
(Klyushkin pulls his hand).
Teacher: Answer please, Klushkin.
Klyushkin: Because America was discovered later!

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