1. Imagine that you are going to make a pen-friend.
Fill in the chart with information
you would like to give about yourself.
My family |
My appearance |
My friends |
My hobby |
My problems |
My school |
My likes and dislikes |
People around me |
What I am good at |
My country/city |
2. Чи ти щаслива людина? Анкетування.
Do you think you are a happy person? Do this quiz and find out.
1. I stop enjoying a game when I am
losing badly. |
(T/F) |
2. I can enjoy a joke when it is on me. |
(T/F) |
3. I am pleased when a friend receives
praise in my presence. |
(T/F) |
4. If a person jumps the queue in front
of me, I always openly object to it. |
(T/F) |
5. I get bored easily with hobbies. |
(T/F) |
6. I daydream often. |
(T/F) |
7. I wish for many things. |
(T/F) |
8. I am overweight. |
(T/F) |
9. I enjoy reading fiction. |
(T/F) |
10. I hate to go to bed. |
(T/F) |
11. I think I am attractive. |
(T/F) |
12. I take criticism well. |
(T/F) |
yourself 1 point for each correct answer.
False, 2 True, 3 True, 4 False, 5 False, 6 False, 7 False, 8 False, 9 True, 10
False, 11 True, 12 True.
✵ 9-12 points. Compared with others, you
are quite a happy person. You seem to maintain a good balance between what you
expect out of life and what you actually receive. You are attractive to others
because of your live-and-let-live attitude.
✵ 5-8 points. You have your ups and downs
but for the most part, you are moderately happy. There’s no burning desire to
change your life. You’d probably have an uplifting effect on someone who is
less happy than you, but at the same time you could benefit if you associated
with those happier than yourself.
✵ 0-4 points. You could be much happier!
Somehow, you’ve developed a perspective on life that is a bit lopsided.
each of your answers and try to find out a way to change your perspective.
boys and girls share with you their opinions on friends and friendship. Who do
you agree with?
✵ Friendship is a thing that helps you to
✵ A friend is a person who tries to
✵ My friend is a person who always in a
good mood.
✵ My friend is a person who was helpful
to me when I was in trouble.
✵ Friendship is a thing that teaches you
how to get along with other people.
✵ Friends are people who are always good
to you.
✵ Good friends are people who spend a lot
of time together, and share their secrets and experiences.
✵ True friends are people who are
generous and keep promises.
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