

Musical.  Part I  Back to School.


1. Summer is over.

September comes.

October and November

Are also autumn months.


3. Holidays are over,

No more fun.

 Holidays are over,

School has begun!

2.  September is the month

When school begins.

“It’s time to work.”

The school bell sings.



 In the School Yard .

After  Summer  Holidays.


- Hello!

 - Hi!

- Haven’t seen you  for ages!

  How did you spend  your summer holidays?

- I have been to London.

- Did you have any problems with your English there?

- No, I didn’t. The English had.


The song:



1. Back to school!

 Back to school!

It starts in September.

That’s a rule.

4. Back to school!

Back to school!

We’ll see all our friends.

That’s cool.

2. I can’t wait to be there.

Hey, let’s run.

Going back to school

 is really fun.

5. It’s good to go back,

We are relaxed and bright!

Going back to school is like

Flying a kite!

3. Back to school!

Together again.

We’re grown up and wise.

We are twelve,


In Class.

- Look! We have a newcomer in our class.

- Oh! Yes. Let’s meet with her.

- My name is .. What is your name?

- (the song.

My name is Emily.

I live with my family

 and a big white cat

In a three- room flat.

2. I’d like to have a frog,

 A hamster and a dog.

I’d like to have a sheep

They are easy to keep

3. I’d like to have a mouse

And a big farm house

With many rooms and many doors

And a horse, of course.


- Nice to meet you!

- Nice to meet you to!

( A boy in a kilt appears on the stage)

- Oh!  Vitaly , where  have you been?

- I have  visited Scotland!

(recites My heart is in the Highlands …)  



Now the story During a trip to America

- Oh, look, look, a real old Indian! They say they are so clever. Well, everyone knows everything! About nature, animals.

- And let's check. Let’s ask what the weather will be like in the coming days!

- Excuse me, please. Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?

 - Oh, yes, rain is coming. Then there will be snow for a day or two, but then  the sun will come again and the weather will be fine. It will be very warm.

-  That’s telling them! (Во,  дает!) He knows everything! These Indians do not even go to school, but know more than we do.

- Tell me, how do you know all that?

- ( индеец достает наушники с плейером) I heard it over the radio!

(The song Yesterday)









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