School Life_Proverb_Questions


Topic: School Life. 

 Learn a Chinese proverb: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."

How do you understand this Chinese proverb? (Children are wise enough to get knowledge by themselves.)

Why do you go to school? (1. A school is a place where we become cleverer

2. A school is a place where we take part in different school activities.

3. We have a lot of friends. 4. We study interesting subjects.5. We learn new things and facts. 6. I go to school to get education.  7. I go to school because I want to communicate with my classmates and teachers. 8.I like our school and its atmosphere and traditions, that`s why I go to school. 9.  A school is a place where both teachers and students must be happy. They have to overcome difficulties of studying together.)

What do you like at school? ( I like sport activities at the PE lessons. I like our excursions and concerts.)

 What don`t you like about going to school? ( I don`t like wearing school uniform. I don’t like to get up early in the morning every day. We are tired of doing homework.  We have no time for sports and hobby.)

What subjects do you study? (We have got a lot of subjects: Math, English, History, Geography, Biology, PE, Art, and others.)

What are your favourite subjects? Why? ( My favourite one is English because it`s interesting. It is important for my future profession. English is the language of international communication)

 What is "An Ideal Student for an Ideal School"

(1. An ideal student takes an active part in academic as well as in extra-curricular activities of the school.  2.He is hard-working. 3. He goes to school in time and attends his lessons regularly 4. He reads his lessons carefully. 5.  An ideal student is disciplined and obedient. 6. At home he obeys his parents, and at school he obeys his teachers. 7.He always abides by the rules and regulations of school. (Він завжди дотримується правил і положення, школи.) 8.  He avoids bad company.

9. He does not waste his time and energy.10.  An ideal student is not a book-worm. He takes an active part in games and sports.  He knows that a sound mind lives in a sound body.  11.  An ideal student is ideal in every field. He takes part in debates.  12. He wins medals and thus brings credit to his school. ( Він виграє медалі і таким чином приносить заслуги своїй школі.) 13.  An ideal student is a true patriot. He is ready to serve his country heart and soul. 14. An ideal student is  always  neat, clean and wears his school uniform that is acceptable in this school.



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