Back to school

1. Summer is over.
September comes.
October and November
Are also autumn months.
3. Holidays are over,
No more fun.
 Holidays are over,
School has begun!
2. September is the month
When school begins.
“It’s time to work.”
The school bell sings.

1. Back to school!
 Back to school!
It starts in September.
That’s a rule.
4. Back to school!
Back to school!
We’ll see all our friends.
That’s cool.
2. I can’t wait to be there.
Hey, let’s run.
Going back to school
 is really fun.
5. It’s good to go back,
We are relaxed and bright!
Going back to school is like
Flying a kite!

3. Back to school!
Together again.
We’re grown up and wise.
We are twelve.

1. My name is Emily.
I live with my family
 and a big white cat
In a three- room flat.
3. I’d like to have a mouse
And a big farm house
With many rooms and many doors
And a horse, of course.
2. I’d like to have a frog,
 A hamster and a dog.
I’d like to have a sheep
They are easy to keep.

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