вівторок, 28 квітня 2020 р.

Just Now

Daria Konovalova

Most recently, we started studying through Internet blogs, and in fact it is very exciting.  At first I did not like this situation, everything seemed very complicated and incomprehensible, but then, when I learned to work with it, everything became simple.  Now I easily do my homework.  I like everything, I do not want to change anything.  There are a lot of athletes among my classmates, almost all of us like to play sports.  Staying healthy helps me with physical activity, warming up and cleaning.  Every day, sitting at home, I find myself some activities that raise my mood and help me to be healthy.  I was lucky because I live in a private house and I can go out at any time, breathe fresh air.  Yes, I agree with the proverb "Healthy mind in a healthy body," because if you lie on the couch all your life without developing, you will not achieve anything.  And here is a photo of my quarantined day, I’m not bored !!

Sport in Our School

 by Dima Vakhnenko 
I’m in the tenth form and we have got three PE lessons in a week. I really like them because I can have some rest without any mind work. There is a such good and fun atmosphere on our PE lessons and I would like to change only equipment and changing rooms, because they aren’t comfortable. Our boys are so sporty and part of them have a good marks at the other subjects. But I think that Vasya Belousov is the best athlete in our class. I have a lot of tasks and hobbies, but these hobbies are in a sitting mode that’s why I  am keen on karate . It’s one of the ways that helps me to keep fit and be a live wire. This is my way of relax for 10 years. This sport and my coach help me to keep my mind clear after hard-working days, that’s why I agree with the proverb: “A sound mind in a sound body”.

неділя, 26 квітня 2020 р.

Період: 27. 04- 30.04

Дистанційне навчання   з учнями 7, 9, 10 класів здійснюється на платформі Moodle.
 Завдання для 4 класу.
Повторення: вправи 5 стр 83, 5 стр 85, 5 стр 93
Контроль навичок  усного мовлення. Розповісти  усно теми  вправ 5 стр 83, 5 стр 85,
 5 стр 93 по черзі . Рекомендую  записати на диктофон або відео, проаналізувати.  Повідомте,  на яку оцінку вийшло. Якщо надсилаєте  мені звукове повідомлення, то не довше, ніж  на  1 хв.
Контроль навичок  письма. Само диктант  (написати вправу  напам’ять) по черзі  вправ
 5 стр 83, 5 стр 85, 5 стр 93 .

середа, 22 квітня 2020 р.

Happy English Language Day!

 English Language Day is celebrated on 23 April.
23 April was chosen by the United Nations because it is the date "traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of 

 William Shakespeare". Shakespeare has been called the greatest writer in the English language. His plays continue to be published, performed in theaters and seen in films almost 400 years after his death.
The United Nations celebrated its first English Language Day on April 23, 2010.
 English is one of the two working languages of the UN Secretariat and one of the organization’s six official languages.Many people consider English as the unofficial “world language” because it is so widely used. English is the main language of business and aviation. It is the most widely used language on the Internet and social media. The other five languages are Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.

понеділок, 20 квітня 2020 р.

Період: 21.04-24.04

З учнями 7, 9, 10 кл. дистанційне навчання  здійснюється на платформі Moodle
4 кл
Ex 1-5 p.104-105
Рекомендую повторити пісню.
1.  I like to sing when
The sun is shining.
I like to sing ,
2. I like to sing when
The wind is blowing.
I like to sing ,
3. I like to sing when
The  snow is falling.
I like to sing ,
4. I like to sing when
We are together.
I like to sing ,
на бажання, усні повідомлення, пісні, руханки можна  зняти  на відео. Якщо надсилаєте їх на мій e-mail, то не довше, ніж  на 1 хв.

четвер, 16 квітня 2020 р.

Happy Easter!

 Easter is an international holiday, but the customs of its celebration in different countries differ significantly. For example, in Germany there is a belief that Easter bunny brings gifts for children to Easter. Usually, children receive gifts from cute baskets, where coloured eggs are laid as if in a nest. In Britain, a tradition has taken root on Easter to “hug” the church, people form a living ring, holding hands and surrounding the Temple. There is something similar in Ukraine, because usually during the consecration of Easter baskets, people surround the church around
 ( of course when there is no quarantine ). Also in England there is a ceremony for Easter to play football with a keg of ale, after which the ale is drunk all together. In Britain, dances and dances are also common in parks and squares of cities in honour of the Great Easter Holiday
The traditional game for Easter in Ukraine is considered to be a cue ball game. Sitting at the table, it is necessary to fight krashenki, whose krashenka will crack first, and he lost.

вівторок, 14 квітня 2020 р.

Taking Care of the Environment

I think that

taking care of the environment is very important.
My family is trying not to harm the environment, so we don't throw garbage into the street, plant trees and other plants.
But I very rarely see other residents of our city doing something like this. Of course, this is not enough, all residents of the city and its authorities need to take more care of the environment.
I suggest planting more trees in the city, and also restore forests near our city, which were planted a very long time ago.
Even such a small event will significantly affect the polluted environment around our city.
I also remind you that Ukraine still does not have its own waste processing enterprises, and they are very important!
Cleaning  landfills with such enterprises will help restore nature near these landfills.
I hope that this short article will make many people  help nature and the environment.
By Gleb I.

неділя, 12 квітня 2020 р.

Період: 13.04-17. 04

 З учнями 7, 9, 10 кл. дистанційне навчання  здійснюється на платформі Moodle
4 кл
Ex 1-5 p.101-103
Рекомендую: вивчити руханку, зняти відео, надіслати на мій e-mail.

субота, 11 квітня 2020 р.

Caring for the Environment

By Vasyl B.

Caring for the environment is an integral part of every person’s life.  Every resident of our city tries to follow the rules and take care of nature.  If we want for  us and our descendants to live on a planet with clean air and water and admire the beauty of pristine nature we should take care of it.  My friends,  relatives and I try not to do harm but  help our nature.  It is important that every person understands that this is necessary. We  always support actions aimed at protecting nature.  This is necessary to preserve our planet and all who lives on it.  Of course, this is not enough to help our nature, but if every person doesn’t stint and help our nature a little, then it will always remain clean.

пʼятниця, 10 квітня 2020 р.

Have a Nice Weekend!

Be healthy! And remember that caution is the parent of safety!

Save the Planet

By Sofia S.
In order to save the planet, everyone must take care of the environment. Unfortunately, in our city, few people care about the environment. First you need people to throw garbage not just to the ground, but only into garbage cans. In the summer, we were with friends on a river, where on the shore on the sand there were a lot of different rubbish, but we decided to take a bag and clean the entire coast from the rubbish that people threw.It is advisable that people more often give up cars and ride bicycles. Since due to the exhaust gases of the car, air is polluted. All the time, trees are cut down in forests; their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance, which is not very good. Everyone should think about their attitude to the environment, then in nature, in the world everything will be fine!

вівторок, 7 квітня 2020 р.

My Advice For Tourists

By Stas P.
There are a lot of places to see in Ukraine and to be proud of. And I am glad to live in such a country, with all those beautiful monuments.The climate in Ukraine in the spring is always very calm. The air temperature reaches +24 degrees Celsius. Dear tourists, you certainly will not need suitcases full of warm fur coats and heaps of warm sweaters. I would also recommend to stock up on your smartphones as no tourist could not resist and did not pass by our Ukrainian architectures not having photographed them. I assure you that you will be satisfied with the trip to our friendly country!  Good luck!

неділя, 5 квітня 2020 р.

4 кл Період: 06.04-10.04

Повторення: Present Continuous стр. 38-39,  Past Simple Tense стр. 55,  Present Perfect Tense c. 94-95.
 Продожувати поступово вивчати таблицю неправильних дієслів с. 139-140

Поради учням

Поради учням щодо відправлення завдання  на платформі Moodle.
Відкрити англійська мова, … клас.  Бачите  назву завдання . Читайте пояснення. Бачите зліва Статус роботи.
Внизу є кнопка: здати роботу.
(До цього ви вже в комп’ютері створили файл виконали там роботу,  написали назву роботи, в якому  класі, фамілію, ім’я українською мовою)
Повернутися до завдання. Вказати там, де є  Статус роботи натиснути Здати роботу .
З’являється нове вікно (синя велика стрілка), де завантажується файл.  Вибираємо, натискаємо Завантажити файл.  Далі Вибрати файл. На робочому столі вибрати,  натиснути відкрити. Натискаємо завантажити цей файл. Файл завантажений на сервір.
Натискаємо Зберегти . Зберегли чорновик.  Можна там, де  Статус роботи редагувати.  Коли вже все готове  натиснути  Відправити на оцінювання. Потім продовжити.

7 кл Період: 06.04-10.04

Україна. Київ. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення
Ex 5,6,7 p. 149

Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

9 кл Період: 06.04-10.04

 Ex 1 p 113, Ex 4 p112
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

10 кл Період: 06.04-10.04

Ex 3 p 179, ex1,2 p188
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

Sing With Us

четвер, 2 квітня 2020 р.

PE Lessons

Мy favourite lesson is Physical Education. I really like this subject because I can relax and gain strength on it. Throughout the lesson we run and jump and play different sports. These lessons give me the opportunity to breathe fresh air to enjoy playing basketball. These lessons are always filled with joy, happiness. I really want to have them more often. I am very grateful to our teacher. He taught me a lot. By Alice Y.


Take Care of Nature

Luyda D.
My  relatives and friends are trying to take care of the environment. For example, my family almost ended up using polythene bags, does not leave electrical appliances turned on, and saves water and gas. My friends ride bicycles.
Our city also takes care of nature: in the city there are tanks for sorting garbage, there are solar panels, and outside the city there are windmills that produce electricity.
Our school often hosts environmental-related events; we hand in batteries for recycling and collect wastepaper.
However, this is not enough. I believe that it is necessary to clean up landfills, build more waste recycling plants.

Тема: методика викладання англійської мови в загальноосвітній школі

Методичний бюлетень Щоб кожен вчився (Використані ресурси Інтернет НУШ) Щоб кожен вчився, отримував не тільки знання, як це відбува...