вівторок, 31 березня 2020 р.

April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day is a worldwide holiday celebrated on April 1 in many states and countries. During this holiday, it’s customary to play friends and acquaintances, or just play a trick on it.  Do you like playing tricks on people? If you’re ever in the UK on 1 April, you’d better watch out!

Travelling_Around_ Ukrainian_ Cities.

 познайомтесь з результатом спільної пошукової роботи учнів 7, 9, 10 класів: «Подорож містами України». Впізнаєте свою частину роботи? Покажіть знайомим та родичам. Не можете знайти? Не пропустіть  можливість взяти участь наступного разу.

неділя, 29 березня 2020 р.

7 кл Період: 30.03-03.04

 Вживання: So as an Adverb and Conjunction P .143
Повторення: Grammar. Present Continuous, Present Perfect,  Present Perfect Continuous
pages: 185, 186, 187.
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

4 кл Період: 30.03-03.04

Ex. 1,2,3 p. 91-92 ,  ex. 5 p. 93 (письмово) , ex. 3  p. 94  (письмово)
Present Perfect Tense c. 94-95.
 Поступово вивчити таблицю неправильних дієслів с. 139-140

9 кл Період: 30.03-03.04

Урок граматики.  Revision. Passive Voice. Pp. 210-211
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

10 кл Період: 30.03-03.04

Ex 5 p 176 ex 1 p 178
Revision. Passive Voice .Conditional I, II, III
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

субота, 28 березня 2020 р.

Enjoy your Weekend

Let’s Take Care of Nature

Let’s take care of our common home Earth!  We have no other and never will be!
We must be grateful to nature for the life given to us!
My family and me are very upset of the fact that  people don’t  take  care of nature.
In my opinionit is not hard to drop litter or rubbish into the dustbin .It’s easy. I think  that there must be more bins in the streets. I believe it is necessary  to form the  group of watchers who will follow the people who drop litter in the streets. They must be punished.
 As for me I always care about the environment.  I throw garbage in the bins, feed animals, do not break tree branches, try not  to pick flowers. Why tear them and  wilt? Let them grow and delight people for as long as possible.
 And if we say “thank you” to nature it will answer us the same - delicious juicy fruits, fragrant flowers, fresh breeze, bright stars, blue sky and warm sun!
People! Let’s be grateful to nature for the life given to us!   By Valera B.

пʼятниця, 27 березня 2020 р.

Get Ready to London

If you come to London, you will be impressed by the London buses. The buses have two decks - they are called double-deckers. All these double-deckers are painted red. There are no trams in London but the underground here is very large. The London underground is the oldest in Europe.There are a lot of  other big cities in Egland. We can visit university cities:Oxford and Cambridge.Stratford-on-Avon is famous for Shakespeare Theatre.He was born here.There is a monument to him and a museum.
There are a lot of attractions for tourists in London.We can see the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the clock tower Big Ben, Buckingham Palace - the residence of the Queen.We can have a rest in Hyde Park, Regent`s Park.
We can visit the British Museum, St. Paul`s Cathedral and other places.England got its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries.
 By Yura B.

середа, 25 березня 2020 р.

They Do Their Best


The UK. Interesting Facts

Luyda D.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest — east, centre, and south-east — is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain.
The United Kingdom is divided into 4 parts, each of which has its own life and culture. So, for example, each country has its As you know, the UK is a wonderful country, and one day I would like to visit it to drink the famous English tea, looking at rainy London.
own symbol: Tubor rose-England, Welsh dragon-Wales, thistle-Scotland, clover-Ireland.

вівторок, 24 березня 2020 р.

The Essay by Dasha K.

What would our life be like without art?   I am sure that life would be dull and boring, and people would be like robots.
   Art gives a person the opportunity to enrich his inner world, to show the world his emotions, feelings, soul.  And viewers appreciate works of art not only out of simple interest.  They get aesthetic pleasure from them, are charged with energy, positive emotions.  By such an education they learn to understand the outside world.  In the same way, art can affect our feelings and emotions.
  It is impossible to underestimate the role of art in human life.  Without emotions and feelings, a person’s personality will be uninteresting.  It should develop comprehensively, form a worldview.  I am sure that there is no person in the world who is not interested in anything in the world of art . And you?

The UK. Geographical Position.

You Should Know.
The Story by Lena Ishchuk
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies the British Isles and consists of 4 parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country has the population of 60 million people within the land area of 244 thousand square kilometers. The isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and in the west and by the English Channel in the south
The highest point in the Highlands is Ben Nevis (1 340 metres). The longest river flows in England, it is the Severn. The main attraction in the north of England is the Lake District. Thanks to the warm waters of Gulf Stream the island is very green and the British climate is mild. Local summers are rather hot and winters are not cold. As the weather is very changeable in Britain, it is the favourite topic for discussion with the British.

The UK Cities

Dasha’s Story
Great Britain is an island state in the northwest of continental Europe. Official languages: English, Welsh, Scotts, Irish.
 London is the capital and largest city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  Administratively forms the region of England Greater London, divided into 33 self-governing territories.  The population is 8 908 081 people. It is the third largest city in Europe.
Bath is a city in the southwestern part of England, located on a hilly area.  It houses famous thermal springs, as well as 18th-century Georgian buildings.  It is famous for its fan arches, tower and large stained glass windows.  At the place where the Roman baths were discovered, is the Roman Baths Museum.  It houses the Main Pool, sculptures, a temple and much more.

неділя, 22 березня 2020 р.

4 кл Період: 23.03-27.03

Вивчити порядкові числівники стр. 87-88
ex. 4  p. 88 (письмово)
Розмовна тема Holidays and Traditions.  Стр.  89-90
ex. 2  p. 88  (письмово)
Повторення: Past Simple Tense стр. 55
Рекомендую виконані письмово вправи надсилати мені за адресою:

7 кл Період: 23.03-27.03

 Старовинний Лондон. Пам’ятки історії. Музеї Лондона.
Ex 2 p. 130, ex1 p 132, ex 4p. 13(in written form),
Основні пам’ятки історії та культури Києва.
 Ex 1,2,3 p. 142 ex 1 p. 144
Ex  7 p. 153, ex. 5p. 155 ( do the exercise and send on my e-mail: nataliavolosenko@gmail.com)
 Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

9 кл Період: 23.03-27.03

 Обєднане королівство: як ми його бачимо
 Відомості про Англію. Різноманіття традицій
Revision. Future Tenses pp. 193-194
Ex  1 p.200 (send on my e-mail: nataliavolosenko@gmail.com)
Ex 2p. 195
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

10 кл Період: 23.03-27.03

Живопис в Україні. Роль мистецтва в житті людини.
 Відвідування виставок, галерей та музеїв.
ex 2 p 171
Ex  7 p.187 (send on my e-mail: nataliavolosenko@gmail.com)
Зверніть увагу, що дистанційне навчання  здійснюється також на платформі Moodle

субота, 14 березня 2020 р.

4 кл Період: 16.03-20.03

стр.84-85, впр.1,2,5
Повторення. Past Simple Tense. стр. 55

7 кл Період: 16.03-20.03

Topic. The UK . London. Велика Британія. Лондон. Краса Лондону.
Ex. 1 p. 122 , ex 3 p. 127 (in written form),  ex. 2 p. 126 , Ex3p. 127(in written form), 
Вживання : So|Neither Do I. p. 128 , ex 5 p. 129 (in written form), 

9 кл Період: 16.03-20.03

Topic: Англомовні країни. Великобританія. The UK Today.
  Загальна характеристика. Карта Великобританії
Pages 182-185, Ex. 8 p. 187 (in written form) ex. 5 p. 191 (in written form)
Revision. Past Tenses. Pp.192-193

10 кл Період: 16.03-20.03

Topic: Art. Живопис в Англії. Жанри живопису.
Words: Pages 169, 179, Ex. 4  p. 166-168  , ex. 5, 6 p. 169 (in written form)
Revision. Past Tenses. Pp.173-174

четвер, 12 березня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання. 10 кл

Період: 12.03-13.03
Corrections of the Control Work. Revision. Grammar. Conditional I, II, III

Topic: The World of Painting.
Answer the questions.
1. What art galleries in London do you know?
2. What is Tate gallery famous for?
3. What art museums in Kyiv would you like to visit? Why?
4. What signs can we see in the airplane?
5. Where do we buy tickets at the railway station?
6. What inventions do you like best of all? Why?

A Role play: “Let’s go on an excursion”.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Rosita. I shall be your guide. I am going to tell you about John Constable, a famous English painter and his art. Landscape painting began to develop in the 19th century. The best representatives of English school of landscape painting were John Constable and Joseph Turner.
John Constable (1776- 1837), an English landscape painter, created many well-known works, such as “Flatford Mill”, “A Cottage in Corn –field”, “the Hay Wain”, “The Look” and others. He was really English, no foreign masters influenced him and English nature gave him both his material and his inspiration. He painted the quiet, undramatic English landscape just as he saw it. He gained little recognition in his own country during his lifetime but he was highly appreciated in France. His picture “The Hay Wain” which was exhibited in Paris in 1824 produced notable effect and was a success. Constable was the first English landscape painter, who considered that every painter should make sketches directly from nature, working in the open air. This manner of painting is characteristic of modern artists. Constable’s technique and colours are very close of impressionists.

I. Answer the questions.
1. What was John Constable? 2. What pictures of this artist do you know? 3.  What was John Constable famous for? 4. Where did he gain his recognition? 5. What dominated in his paintings? 6. When and where was his “Hay Wain” a success? 7. Who took his manner of painting? 8. Would you like to be a painter? Why?

Дистанційне навчання. 9 кл

Період: 12.03-13.03
For Control Work
Revision. Topic: Nature and Weather. pages: 147-163
Grammar. Active and Passive Voice. p. 257; Conditional I p.157

Дистанційне навчання. 7 кл

Період: 12.03-13.03
Read the text.  My favourite kind of sport
There is a proverb: “A sound mind in a sound body”.  This means that when your body  is fit then your mind will be too. Sport makes us more organized and better disciplined in our daily activities.
My friends and I are interested in sports very much. I prefer football (badminton).  I like it because it is played indoors and outdoors and it is for people of all ages. I think it is popular in all countries of the world.
I usually train three times a week. I (don’t) want to be a champion (in future). I enjoy playing with my friends. 
Regular exercises help people to be brave and cheerful, strong and healthy. Nowadays everybody understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  I am interested in healthy eating, healthy drinking, doing exercises and looking good.
Answer the questions:
1. What sports and games do you know?
2. What outstanding sportsmen of our country do you  know?
3.  Where were the first (last) Olympic games held?
4.  What games take the first place in public interest?
5. Do you play draughts (chess)?
6. What football (hockey, basketball) team do you support?
7. Do you attend any matches?
8. Do you watch any matches on TV (online)?
9. What is your favourite kind of sport?
10. Do you do your morning exercises?
Повторення: Grammar. Present Continuous, Present Perfect,  Present Perfect Continuous
pages: 185, 186, 187.

Дистанційне навчання. 4 кл

 Період: 12.03-13.03
I. Read and translate the words.
1. taxi 2. the Queen 3. palace 4. city 5. garden 6. park 7. college 8. underground 9. plant 10. building 11. beautiful 12. monument 13. hotel 14. office 15. theatre 16. old
 II. How many words can you find in the square?  What are they?


 Повторення: Grammar.The Present Continuous. Page 38-39

Тема: методика викладання англійської мови в загальноосвітній школі

Методичний бюлетень Щоб кожен вчився (Використані ресурси Інтернет НУШ) Щоб кожен вчився, отримував не тільки знання, як це відбува...