четвер, 27 лютого 2020 р.

Методичний тренінг

 Знову було приємно відчути себе ученицею, занурившись в атмосферу навчання під час методичного тренінгу від фахівців з Великої Британії серед талановитих колег.

понеділок, 3 лютого 2020 р.

Завдання для 10 класу

Teacher:  What does the word  “Environment” mean?
Student:  Environment  is  everything  around  us: water, air, forest, animals.
Teacher:   What  words  do you  associate  with     Eco  Problems"

Destroying  forests                                                           Water  pollution
                                                 Eco  Problems

    Killing  animals
                                                                                             Nuclear tests 
                                                      Air  pollution

Try to remember  the words  and make some sentences.

To pollute                           
A weapon
To destroy
To protect
To plant
Bits of glass 

 Fill in the words:

1. Don't leave the ________running when you are brushing your teeth.
 2. Turn off the ______ and  ______ when you are not in the room.
3.Make a ___________.
4. Recycle your plastic  and _______.  5. Take a _______ instead of a bath.
 6.Keep the oceans clean so the fish will stay_____.       7. Planting just one ______ can save the sky from smoke from factories.


Завдання для 9 класу

          Science and Inventions
Words : founder,  science experiments, rainbow,  mankind,   scientific, the theory of relativity, regard - расценивать, рассматривать ;  substance – вещество; matter - вещество, field of research  - область (научных) исследований , discovery - открытие; обнаружение; находка; invention  -изобретение, the incandescent (раскаленный) electric lamp,  designer - конструктор, проектировщик , ,  accurate  - верный, правильный, точный ; gravitation  -гравитация, сила тяжести; притяжение; differential calculus  - дифференциальное исчисление; theology  -теология. богословие.
Finish the sentences:
Charles Darwin published his famous book “On the Origin of Species”
Isaak Newton developed the theory of relativity and made the law of gravitation. He is the author of the   differential calculus. It was Newton who by his experiments showed that the white light is made of the colours of the rainbow.
Dmitry Mendeleyev  was a Russian chemist. He is credited as being the primary creator of the first version of the periodic  table of elements. Unlike other contributors to the table, Mendeleev predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.
Nicola Copernic  mastered all the knowledge of the day in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and theology. Не planned a systematic program of astronomical work. Although he did not make extensive observations, he did enough to enable him to recalculate the major components of the supposed orbits of the Sun, Moon, and planets around the Earth.
Ivan Pavlov   contributed to many areas of physiology and neurological sciences.
Alexandr Popov was the Russian physicist who invented the radio.
Michael Faraday   (22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867) was an English chemist and physicist  who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
Galileo Galilei was the Italian physicist and astronomer who discovered the planet Jupiter. He invented the first thermometer and first telescope.
 Alexandr G. Bell invented the telephone in 1875.
Christian Huygens was a Holland designer who invented the first accurate clock in 1657.
 Tomas Edison invented the incandescent (раскаленный) electric lamp.
Marie Curie discovered the radioactive elements radium and polonium. She won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century and became the founder of “The theory of relativity”.

Eugene Paton became the founder of the first institute of the electric welding in the world.
Academician Sergey Pavlovych Korolyov  was the famous designer of space-rocket systems.

Answer the questions:
1. What is your favourite subject at school?
2. Are you good at Maths?
3. Can you work on a computer?
4. Have you got a computer at home?
5. In what ways can computers help to learn a foreign language?
 I can use some English words while playing computer and using Internet. I can learn a lot English by watching films, listening to music, reading  in English or having an e-mail friend.
6. Which is your favourite scientific subject: biology, chemistry or physics?
7. What does each of them study?
Biology is a science about the life of plants and animals.
Physics is a science about matter and energy such as heat, light, sound, etc.
Chemistry is a science about the structure of substances and how they react when they are combined.
8. Which one don’t you like?
9. Would you like to do more science experiments in school?
10. Would you like to become a scientist? If you would, what field of research would you choose?
11. What discoveries or inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as the most important?

Завдання для 7 класу

I. Match the phrases in the dialogues.
Do you like going to the theatre?
No, I don’t like documentaries. I prefer science fiction.
What kind of movies do you prefer?
More than 2, 000 years ago.
Let’s see a documentary about UFOs.
I like comedies most.
When was London founded?
On the river Thames.
What is your favourite sport?
Like! I’m fond of it!
Where is London situated?
I think athletics is.
II. Write the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
1. John _________ (to read) a newspaper  at 10 o’clock in the morning yesterday.
2. Sam _________ (drink) his milk and ____________ (to go) to bed.
3. When the teacher  ___________ (to come) into the classroom, all the pupils _________
(to stand up) and __________ (to greet) him. 4. He  -------(to catch) a bird before we came to see him. 5.  I ----------- (to  do) it before  she came. 6. They  ------------(to finish) their work  by 7 o’clock last night.

Завдання для 4 класу

Розшифруй слова

Jumble words
e  r  b a z
f r g e f a i
f l o w
e y m k n o
o x f
o c o r c i d e l
h p a t n e l e
n n y u b
I. Fill in the word.
1. Autumn is a beautiful …
a) nights 
2. It often  rains in … .
b) season
3. The … are long in winter.
c) often 
4. It … snows in  winter.

II. Answer the questions
1. What season is it now?  2. What are the seasons of the year?
3. What month is it now? 4. What is your  favourite  season?
III. Запиши попарно слова, які  рифмуються.
man   ten  cat   two   game   can   pen   to   name   that

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