Цей блог створений для учнів і вчителів ЗОШ №42 м. Миколаєва
- Literature_Musical_Back_to_School
- School Life. Choose the necessary word
- School Life_Proverb_Questions
- Present Continuous ЦІкаві випадки вживання
- Структура There is| There are
- Past Simple для 4 класу
- Ведення зошита
- Verb Tenses Active Voice
- Не вживаються в Continuous
- Конструкція Used to / Would.
- Around Mykolayiv
- Grammar References. Граматика.
- Essay Writing
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Writing a Letter
- Cinema. Dialogue
- Sport in Our Life
середа, 29 травня 2019 р.
Why do you like summer?
Elizabet Berest I like my summer holidays because I cannot go to school. I cannot study
and do my homework. I cannot get up at 6 o'clock, go to school, study at the
lessons. I can sleep till 10 o' clock and do nothing all day long! I like to
play with my friends and help my mum to grow plants in our garden. I like to go
to the seaside with my family. We usually go to Odesa to the resort "Lazhurna".
We swim in the sea and sunbathe every day. We enjoy atractions in
"Akwapark". We visit Delphinarium and have a lot of fun there. One
month in summer I spend at my grandparents in Snigherevka. I've got a lot of
friends in Snigherevka, too. At the end of August I retun back home and prepare for the new school year.
Letters about Future

I want to tell you about my
plans for future. Firstly, I want to learn English. I want to develop my
skills. Secondly, I want to finish school. Then I'll pass the exams and try to go to a foreign college. After that, I will save
money to travel around the world.
Finally, I will get a job of my dream and try to start a family.
Best Wishes, Daniil
Dear NL.,
I want to tell you about my plans for future. I plan go to School number 19 after the 9 class. I will also study in Computer Academy "Step". Then I am going to study at the graphic designer school. I will be able to help companies get their own logos. I believe what I can live my life for fun. SunBub
About Plans for Future.
Dear N. L.
I want to tell you about my plans for future.
I'm going to spend the best summer holiday with my company of
friends. We will often walk and go to the sea.
At the end of this summer I'll
probably move to the capital of our country - Kyiv. I'll finish school there. After passing all my exams I am going to enter the university of theatre, kino and
television - the name of Karpenko Kary. I also believe that in future I'll
probably find myself and have a prestigious job. I wanna to work in the USA. So I am confident in myself and I
think good luck is in my hands.
With best wishes
Your Lis Fomenko
вівторок, 28 травня 2019 р.
субота, 25 травня 2019 р.
Підсумки навчального року
Настав час
підведення підсумків, розмов про досягнення. Будемо оригінальними: додаємо
трішки «страшного». Про це в нашому
середа, 1 травня 2019 р.
Мовний табір 2019. Підготовка.
Відкрита Скринька пропозицій щодо роботи
мовного табору 2019 «Kids' Friendly Planet»
мовного табору 2019 «Kids' Friendly Planet»
Our Motto is: “ If you want to have a friend – be one!”
1. I like to sing
The sun is shining.
I like to sing ,
2. I like to sing when
The wind is blowing.
I like to sing ,
3. I like to sing when
The snow is falling.
I like to sing ,
4. I like to sing when
We are together.
I like to sing ,
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Тема: методика викладання англійської мови в загальноосвітній школі
Методичний бюлетень Щоб кожен вчився (Використані ресурси Інтернет НУШ) Щоб кожен вчився, отримував не тільки знання, як це відбува...
- Главная страница
- Doing Sport. Learn the Poem
- School Life_Proverb_Questions
- Around Mykolayiv
- Grammar References. Граматика.
- Making Fan Book
- For Teacher’s. Методика викладання англійської мо...
- Essay Writing
- About Myself. Про себе.
- Helpful Hints. Корисне.
- What have you done?
- Opinion
- Sing the Song
- London
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Writing a Letter
- Cinema. Dialogue
- Sport in Our Life
- At the Lesson. Role-play.
- Friends. Funny Stories.
- Verb Tenses Active Voice
- Не вживаються в Continuous
- Конструкція Used to / Would.
- Past Simple для 4 класу
- Ведення зошита
- Isn’t it about time?
- Back to school
- Present Continuous ЦІкаві випадки вживання
- Структура There is| There are
Методичний бюлетень Щоб кожен вчився (Використані ресурси Інтернет НУШ) Щоб кожен вчився, отримував не тільки знання, як це відбува...
Rest isn ’ t a reward for work ; it ’ s a part of work . Відпочинок не є винагородою за роботу; це частина роботи.
I. Choose the correct variant of the verb (Simple Tenses) 1. The Earth … round the Sun. a) will go b) goes c) has gone 2. The film ...